A tag representing the reach of our blogsremove writer's block
AI that does NOT sound like AI

AI Co-Pilot for

Factual Content

Plan, generate, optimize content.

Confused about content SEO? Discover how AI can revolutionize your content strategy with AI Content Planner, 1-click Autoblogs,  Semantic SEO, Fact-Checker, AI Interlinking and Google Search Console-based optimiztion for unbeatable results.

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No Credit Card Required.
Trusted by 100,000+ content creators from leading brands and agencies.
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Why choose LongShot AI?

Seamlessly blend creativity and optimization for exceptional content that resonates with your audience.

Publish Content on Current Topics and Events

Our Content Planner integrated with Google Search Console generates multiple content ideas tailored to your target audience and industry.

Don't go random - choose what to create based on real data and boost your content strategy.

Create Fresh Content

Want to create content that's both engaging and accurate?

Our FactGPT is your go-to factual feature, providing real time answers and generating content with proper citations.

Plus, with over 50 award-winning templates and workflows, you can effortlessly create anything from short copies tolong-form articles.

Create Factual Content

Worried about your content's SEO performance?

Our SEO checker not only provides your SEO score but also offers actionable suggestions to improve it with just one click.

Optimize you content effortlessly and watch your rankings soar, ensuring your content reaches the right audience.

Improve SEO

Finding it hard to create internal links?

Our AI Interlinking feature creates automatic internal links from your sitemap that are relevant to the anchor text, all in minutes.

Save hours of manual work, enhance your reader's experience, and optimize your blog's performance seamessly.

Automate Internal Linking

LongShot works where you do...

Semrush LongShot integration
Google Search Console
WordPress LongShot integration
 LongShot Copyscape integration for checking plagiarism
Hubspot LongShot integration
Google Docs

These folks get it...

What's the one thing your favorite Generative AI writer can't do?
Well, 50,000+ Marketers already know the answer.

I love what LongShot does. We've been using them to create high-quality, SEO-friendly blog content. Can't imagine how we'd function without it. Highly recommend them!

Robin Singhvi
Founder, SmartCue

I have been using Longshot since it launched, and it has been great -reliable, with good features, responsive support, and regular product updates. It is my go-to long-form copywriting assistant.

Martin Broadhurst
Digital Strategy Consultant

I've watched Longshot from its very early beginnings. I've witnessed their evolution from an idea to a full-featured offering. Excellent product, well-intentioned UI experience, made for the purpose, does what it says, and doesn't pretend to do what it isn't meant to. I've used it for several real content generation needs, and for the most part, I was impressed with the outcome.

Achal Prabhakar
Vice President Product Engineering, 1Password

LongShot surprised me with how quick and accurate it is... and just useful. What I like best about them is their ability to generate Pillar content copy so quickly, with a workflow that makes sense. Looking forward to more awesome things in the future.

Levi Hankins
CEO, WayQueer Travel Society

LongShot is the best AI Software I've ever tried for high-quality and realistic answers with citations, unlike other tools. It helps me generate reliable short texts on the biological activities of small molecules. Earlier, I was spending a lot of time searching one by one on various internet sites. But now I have reliable text in a matter of seconds.

Julio Cesar Dias Lopes
Associate Professor, UFMG

LongShot makes it easy for me to write for SEO traffic efficiency. It helped find quality phrases and keywords that have high-traffic content. It was a great opportunity for me to help my clients expand their reach and depth.

Ronald Adlawan
Founder, Plantbox

LongShot offers a total mind-blowing change to the blogging game. The content I could generate using LongShot was a cut above just using the free ChatGPT. The complexity and authentic voice of the writing are engaging yet easy to read.

Douglas Lampi
Crypto Portfolio Manager

I love what LongShot does. We've been using them to create high-quality, SEO-friendly blog content. Can't imagine how we'd function without it. Highly recommend them!

Robin Singhvi
Founder, SmartCue

I have been using Longshot since it launched, and it has been great -reliable, with good features, responsive support, and regular product updates. It is my go-to long-form copywriting assistant.

Martin Broadhurst
Digital Strategy Consultant

I've watched Longshot from its very early beginnings. I've witnessed their evolution from an idea to a full-featured offering. Excellent product, well-intentioned UI experience, made for the purpose, does what it says, and doesn't pretend to do what it isn't meant to. I've used it for several real content generation needs, and for the most part, I was impressed with the outcome.

Achal Prabhakar
Vice President Product Engineering, 1Password

LongShot surprised me with how quick and accurate it is... and just useful. What I like best about them is their ability to generate Pillar content copy so quickly, with a workflow that makes sense. Looking forward to more awesome things in the future.

Levi Hankins
CEO, WayQueer Travel Society

LongShot is the best AI Software I've ever tried for high-quality and realistic answers with citations, unlike other tools. It helps me generate reliable short texts on the biological activities of small molecules. Earlier, I was spending a lot of time searching one by one on various internet sites. But now I have reliable text in a matter of seconds.

Julio Cesar Dias Lopes
Associate Professor, UFMG

LongShot makes it easy for me to write for SEO traffic efficiency. It helped find quality phrases and keywords that have high-traffic content. It was a great opportunity for me to help my clients expand their reach and depth.

Ronald Adlawan
Founder, Plantbox

LongShot offers a total mind-blowing change to the blogging game. The content I could generate using LongShot was a cut above just using the free ChatGPT. The complexity and authentic voice of the writing are engaging yet easy to read.

Douglas Lampi
Crypto Portfolio Manager
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4.8 / 5 rating
G2 badge for Momentum Leader  during Spring 2023
G2 badge for High Performer in Asia Pacific region during Spring 2023
G2 badge for Easiest Setup in during Spring 2023

Supported by

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Microsoft for Startups logo

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a run?

In LongShot AI, a 'run' is defined as the completion of one full action using any of our designated features.When you utilize features like Interlinking, Fact Check, SEO Checker, or Repurpose and complete an action within any of these, it counts as one run. The number of runs available varies from plan to plan.

Does LongShot offer a free trial?

Yes, LongShot offers a way for you to start for free by availing the free plan. This plan is valid for new signups only and lasts for 2 weeks. No credit card is required in this plan. During this period, you can explore and try out the features. After the trial, you can decide whether to continue with one of the paid plans based on your experience.

Does LongShot offer a refund?

No, LongShot doesn't offer a refund for the purchase. We offer a 2 weeks free trial to test the product with no credit card required. Once you are satisfied with the product, you can opt for a plan according to your needs.

Why choose LongShot AI over other Generative AI tools?

LongShot AI is the perfect solution for those seeking an efficient and reliable generative AI tool to meet their content needs. Here are some reasons why:

1. End-to-end content solution: LongShot AI is designed to research, generate, and optimize content, making it a comprehensive platform for big content marketing teams, content agencies, etc.

2. Fact-checking and references: Unlike other generative AI tools, LongShot AI ensures that your content is fact-checked and provides references and citations, adding credibility to your content and saving you time on manual verification.

3. Customization and personalization: LongShot AI allows you to upload your data to teach the AI, ensuring that the generated content is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

4. Staying ahead with AI in marketing: Embracing AI and using it creatively can help you stay ahead in the competitive marketing landscape. LongShot AI offers a cutting-edge solution that can transform your content creation process and improve your marketing efforts.

5. Overcoming limitations of existing AI: While AI is often monopolized by a few companies and suffers from issues like hallucinations, factual inaccuracy, and staleness, LongShot AI addresses these concerns by focusing on long-form content and marrying customer data, web data, and multiple AI models.

By choosing LongShot AI for your generative AI needs, you can stay ahead in the competitive marketing landscape and create high-quality, fact-checked content that resonates with your target audience.

Wondering about the Security and Privacy?

At LongShot AI, top security and privacy stand as the pillars of our commitment to customers. We understand the importance of safeguarding your intellectual property and personal information, ensuring that our services are designed with these priorities in mind.

Our approach to ownership is clear-cut: while LongShot retains all IP rights to the service itself, our customers possess complete ownership of the outputs they generate using our platform.

LongShot AI is dedicated to preserving customer data for the duration of our agreement or until we receive a written data deletion request. Our privacy principles reflect our unwavering commitment to protecting your information at every stage of content handling. Rest assured, your data belongs to you, and we will never sell it to anyone.

We employ robust encryption measures for data in transit and at rest, ensuring the utmost security for your valuable information. Additionally, our comprehensive privacy policy outlines the steps we take to guarantee the safety of your data.

At LongShot AI, we respect the uniqueness of each user's inputs and writing prompts. We maintain a strict policy against using any user-provided inputs as outputs for other users. Your inputs and content generated through LongShot are exclusively your own, ensuring the originality and confidentiality of your work.

To deliver the best possible content generation experience, LongShot AI utilizes cutting-edge AI models tailored for specific use cases. By partnering with leading AI/ML model providers, we aim to elevate the quality and efficiency of our services, all while keeping your security and privacy at the forefront of our priorities.

Does Google penalize AI generated content?

The answer is Yes and No. Well, if you're generating AI content in one go, the chances of bad content being created go very high. This content is considered spam by Google. You need to guide the AI step-by-step to generate content and assist the AI in creating/curating content for you. This way, you'll generate helpful content that humans and search engines love.

What is an AI Autoblog?

An AI autoblog generates high-quality, long-form blogs with three clicks. The process involves:
1. Choose a headline.
2. Generate outlines.
3. Generate the blog.

The result is a factually correct, well-researched, and web-optimized blog post.

What models does LongShot AI use?

We use a variety of prosperity, open source and home-grown AI models. The model providers include (but not limited to) Open AI (GPT 4 & GPT 4o), Anthropic (Claude) ,Cohere, Mistral, LLama 3, and Google's Gemini coming soon.

What exactly is a credit?

A credit is used to measure the usage of FactGPT, our fact-based AI chat feature. One credit allows you to generate around 50 words. Different plans come with different numbers of credits, allowing you to choose the plan that best fits your needs.

Is LongShot AI multilingual?

Yes, we support majorly all the languages; just choose your language while using us.

Does LongShot AI plagiarize?

LongShot AI strives to generate content that is 100% plagiarism-free. However, you can use our in-built plagiarism checker when needed.

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LongShot AI writing assistant